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Pet Care


  • It is essential for a cat's health to be fed an amino-acid diet, properly balanced, and designated to the age of the cat or kitten

  • Treats should be infrequent and not comprising more than 10% of the food intake

  • Change water daily, and clean bowls on a daily basis

  • If health issues, such as diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, lethargy are present, take your pet to the veterinarian urgently

  • Never food your cat the following, yeast-based products, chocolate, onions, garlic, leeks, scallops,  dairy products, coffee, grapes, citrus, raw and undercooked meats, limit salt intake 

Feeding Newborn Kitten


  • Cats, like humans, are not capable of withstanding extreme temperatures. Make sure your cat is not outdoors in extreme heat or cold weather. Cats risk overheating, dehydration, hypothermia, or frostbite

  • Do not leave cats outside and unsupervised. They risk injury and death from dogs, raccoons, and other animals

  • Have designated areas where the cat can feel secure and relaxed, with comfortable bedding and toys

Cat Sleeping


  • Be sure to vaccinate your cat yearly and as needed

  • Spay and neuter cats by the age of 5-months

  • Routine care and yearly veterinary check-ups are essential to a cat's health

  • Know your cat well; lethargy, distress, lack of appetite are all some symptoms that should be checked

  • Do not give a cat medication unless prescribed by a veterinarian. Always follow instructions

Visit to the Vet
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